Generative AI Applied Scientist, Applied Machine Learning

Sunnyvale, California

Employer: Apple
Industry: Machine Learning and AI
Salary: Competitive
Job type: Full-Time

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Applied ML Scientist with expertise in Generative AI to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will be responsible for developing innovative and practical AI applications that drive enterprise transformation. Your work will have a direct impact on optimizing operations, improving efficiency, and fostering innovation within our organization. The Applied Machine Learning Data Science team in IS&T are a group of passionate applied ML scientists from various disciplines with extensive track records in both academia and industry. We have the opportunity to do groundbreaking applied machine learning work that will shape the industry. At AML, we develop cutting-edge machine learning solutions that enable current and future products and services for the enterprise!

Key Qualifications
5+ years of industry experience with strong ML & gen AI fundamentals
Hands-on experience with building Deep Learning applications
Proficiency in using ML toolkits, e.g., PyTorch
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
ML depth in generative AI, computer vision and/or multimodality an asset.
Strong software engineering skills in Python to build scalable and robust infrastructure for deep learning data, modeling, and evaluation systems
Proven track record to train and debug deep learning systems: defining metrics and datasets, performing error analysis and training models in a modern ML framework
Familiarity with researching current ML literature and math including optimization methods and modeling techniques
Strong experience in the transition of a prototype into a final product
Excellent written and verbal communications skills, be comfortable presenting research to large audiences, and have the ability to work hands-on in multi-functional teams

As an ML Applied Scientist on our team, you will engage with Business Teams: Collaborate closely with business teams to identify opportunities, gain a deep understanding of their requirements, and optimally translate these requirements into innovative technical solutions. Designing Generative AI Solutions: Lead the design and development of generative AI solutions. Utilize established techniques and, when necessary, create custom algorithms to tackle complex challenges effectively. Collaborating with Cross-Functional Teams: Work closely with our team of engineers and platform architects to seamlessly integrate and deploy robust, enterprise-grade ML applications and systems that meet our business objectives. Continuous Research and Innovation: Stay at the forefront of data science and machine learning advancements. Continuously explore and evaluate new technologies and methodologies to enhance the technical capabilities of our team, ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of ML innovation.

Education & Experience
M.S. or PhD in AI/ML, EECS, or a related field (mathematics, physics, statistics or computer engineering). A minimum of 5 years of experience in applied ML and/or product development PhD strongly preferred.

Created: 2024-06-27
Reference: 200552216
Country: United States
State: California
City: Sunnyvale
ZIP: 95002

About Apple

Founded in: 1976
Number of Employees: 154000

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