Training and Consultation Coordinator-MTSS - Academic

Homestead, Pennsylvania

Employer: Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Industry: Teaching and Learning
Salary: Competitive
Job type: Full-Time


Job Title: Training and Consultation Coordinator-Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)/Academic

Position Summary:

This position is accountable for providing leadership, professional development, technical assistance, and consultation with administrators, teachers and parents regarding the implementation of federal and state regulations including IDEIA and ESSA. Focus is on building capacity to implement academic supports in the areas of mathematics and/or literacy pedagogy, content, academic interventions, assessment, data analysis, progress monitoring, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), implementation of PA Core Standards and facilitating the use of the Standards Aligned System (SAS), while promoting access to the least restrictive environment and general education curriculum. This position requires demonstrated knowledge and an ability to work collaboratively with other TAC initiatives including Autism, Post-Secondary Transition, Assistive Technology, Behavior, and Literacy. The TAC Coordinator will also work with Curriculum and Instruction Coordinators on initiatives annually identified by the State System of Support (SSOS) including but not limited to: Equity, Targeted School Improvement, data analysis and STEM. The position also requires a close working relationship with PDE Bureau of Special Education and PATTAN staff in support of high priority initiatives. This position does not provide direct services to students, but works to build knowledge and capacity of educational systems and educators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Researches, designs, and conducts professional development and provides technical assistance to school district administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals and school-based teams to increase knowledge of, and successful implementation of federal and state regulations related to the education of students with disabilities, with a specific focus on mathematics and/or literacy.
  2. Facilitates activities related to PDE school improvement and equity initiatives by addressing the components necessary to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities.
  3. Provides leadership in the dissemination of resources, facilitation via guided practice, and follow-up technical assistance to school-based teams to build capacity within the district/school surrounding academic and behavioral support, including Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and in analyzing school-wide and individual student data in order to maximize student learning.
  4. Manages all aspects of the local roll-out of Federal and state initiatives, including Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), reading/math interventions, progress monitoring, general/special education collaboration and inclusive practices.

  1. Researches and supports schools in the selection of technically sound assessments and evidence-based interventions. Provides and facilitates opportunities for training in assessment and intervention delivery.
  2. Designs and facilitates content area sessions designed to increase knowledge of educators in mathematics and/or literacy pedagogy to better support struggling learners.

  1. Provides leadership, planning, facilitation, technical assistance and problem solving expertise to districts and building level staff in the development of district and school-wide initiatives to support increased student achievement and successful post-secondary outcomes.
  2. Demonstrates professional knowledge in relevant areas of special education laws, regulations and best practices to assist education entities in implementing compliant and quality programs for students with disabilities.
  3. Coordinates and directs activities related to IDEA, Pennsylvania Department of Education/Bureau of Special Education and the State System of Support (SSOS) initiatives in collaboration with TAC and curriculum colleagues; including but not limited to Autism, Inclusive Practices, Post-Secondary Transition, Behavior, Equity, and STEM surrounding targeted school improvement.
  4. Participates in designated trainings related to Pennsylvania Department of Education/Bureau of Special Education and the State System of Support (SSOS) initiatives in order to provide turn around training and support to local school districts.
  5. Collaborates with AIU colleagues and other programs in order to expand the AIU’s internal and external capacity in meeting the need for increased educational achievement of all students.
  6. Promotes the services of the Training and Consultation (TAC) team and other AIU programs and services by developing and maintaining collaborative relationships with PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education/PaTTAN, other intermediate units, school district staff, parents and community groups, and agencies
  7. Participates on Allegheny Intermediate Unit committees and work groups to facilitate the attainment of organizational goals.
    1. Advanced degree in education or related field required; K-12 Administrative PA certification required
    2. Minimum of eight (8) years related experience required
    3. Expert level knowledge with use of Microsoft Office Suite.
    4. Ability to incorporate research-based mathematical and/or literacy instructional practices through the use of data, systems and practices to promote access to learning in the Least Restrictive Environment
    5. Experience in design and delivery of professional development for a variety of audiences and knowledge of adult learning required
    6. Demonstrated expertise in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) content and process required
    7. Knowledge and experience in facilitating systems planning, integration of practices, and monitoring and evaluation of school and student data

    1. Experience in pedagogy of mathematics and/or literacy in addition to special education required
    2. Expert level knowledge in managing complex change that supports students with disabilities
    3. Familiar with the disaggregation of data and analysis of data for instructional and programmatic decision making
    4. Se lf - m o ti v a t o r , i n d epen d e n t , coo p e r a t i v e, f l ex i b l e, c r e a ti v e, and r e spon s i b l e
    5. Possess exce l l e n t c o l l ab o r a t i on and l ea d e r sh i p s k i l l s
    6. Knowledge of state and federal laws, regulations and policies affecting educational practices for special education
    7. Sound organizational skills with ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and work under pressure
    8. A b i l it y t o a na l yz e and r es o l v e co m p l ex i ss u es, w h il e r e m a i n i ng l o g i cal and i n t e r p e r son a l
    9. Strong, professional v e r bal and w r i t t e n co m m unica t i on s k i ll s , i nc l ud i ng e ff e c t i v e p r e se n t a t i o n s k il l s
    10. Capacity t o b u i l d t r u s t and p o s i t i v e w o r k i ng r e l a t i ons h i p s while promoting high expectations w it h m u l t i p l e i n t e r n a l and ex t e r n a l s t a k eho l der s
    11. Experience and capability to function as a member of a team and to facilitate school-based teams, focused on individual students or school improvement initiatives.
    12. Excellent facilitation skills to engage school teams in problem solving
    13. Ability to travel to regional school districts and frequent overnight travel to Harrisburg required

    21. Ability to comply with the AIU Conduct policy


  1. Advanced degree in education or related field required; K-12 Administrative PA certification required
  2. Minimum of eight (8) years related experience required
  3. Expert level knowledge with use of Microsoft Office Suite.
  4. Ability to incorporate research-based mathematical and/or literacy instructional practices through the use of data, systems and practices to promote access to learning in the Least Restrictive Environment
  5. Experience in design and delivery of professional development for a variety of audiences and knowledge of adult learning required
  6. Demonstrated expertise in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) content and process required
  7. Knowledge and experience in facilitating systems planning, integration of practices, and monitoring and evaluation of school and student data

  1. Experience in pedagogy of mathematics and/or literacy in addition to special education required
  2. Expert level knowledge in managing complex change that supports students with disabilities
  3. Familiar with the disaggregation of data and analysis of data for instructional and programmatic decision making
  4. Se lf - m o ti v a t o r , i n d epen d e n t , coo p e r a t i v e, f l ex i b l e, c r e a ti v e, and r e spon s i b l e
  5. Possess exce l l e n t c o l l ab o r a t i on and l ea d e r sh i p s k i l l s
  6. Knowledge of state and federal laws, regulations and policies affecting educational practices for special education
  7. Sound organizational skills with ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and work under pressure
  8. A b i l it y t o a na l yz e and r es o l v e co m p l ex i ss u es, w h il e r e m a i n i ng l o g i cal and i n t e r p e r son a l
  9. Strong, professional v e r bal and w r i t t e n co m m unica t i on s k i ll s , i nc l ud i ng e ff e c t i v e p r e se n t a t i o n s k il l s
  10. Capacity t o b u i l d t r u s t and p o s i t i v e w o r k i ng r e l a t i ons h i p s while promoting high expectations w it h m u l t i p l e i n t e r n a l and ex t e r n a l s t a k eho l der s
  11. Experience and capability to function as a member of a team and to facilitate school-based teams, focused on individual students or school improvement initiatives.
  12. Excellent facilitation skills to engage school teams in problem solving
  13. Ability to travel to regional school districts and frequent overnight travel to Harrisburg required

21. Ability to comply with the AIU Conduct policy

Created: 2024-06-04
Reference: 24000030
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
City: Homestead