Anticipated Secondary Teacher 7-12

Scottsboro, Alabama

Employer: Alabama State Department of Education
Industry: Teacher
Salary: Competitive
Job type: Full-Time

TITLE: Teacher QUALIFICATIONS: As set by state certification requirements and local board policies REPORTS TO: School Principal JOB GOAL: To help students learn subject matter and/or skills that will contribute to their development as mature, able, and responsible members of society. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 187 work days. Salary is based on the State Salary Matrix. EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with the provision of the Board's Teacher Appraisal Plan.

  1. Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interest, and abilities of students using state and local courses of study as guides.
  2. Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interest of students.
  3. Guides the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals - communicates clear objectives for lessons, units, and projects to students.
  4. Employs, within recognized constraints, a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media designed to meet the needs and capabilities of the students being served.
  5. Evaluates student progress on a continuous and systematic basis.
  6. Communicates with the school administration and seeks the assistance of resource personnel as needed for the proper placement of students.
  7. Works to establish and maintain open lines of communication with school administrators, students and their parents concerning both the broad academic and behavioral progress of students.
  8. Assists administration in developing and implementing policies and/or rules governing student life and conduct.
  9. Involves the students in establishing and maintaining standards of classroom behavior.
  10. Maintains accurate, complete, and correct records as required by law, district policy, and administrative regulation within the framework established by the Scottsboro City Board of Education.
  11. Participates in decisions regarding placement of student teachers, volunteers, and teacher assistants and accepts a reasonable amount of responsibility for the planning and supervision of activities in these areas.
  12. Assists in the selection of books, equipment, and other instructional materials.
  13. Attends and participates in faculty meetings and in-service activities.
  14. Participates in decisions and accepts an equitable share of responsibility for extra-curricular activities.


The nature of the teacher's job is so complicated that it defies definition in the manner that a mechanical or clerical task may be defined. The following sets forth some of the duties and obligations of a classroom teacher:
  1. It is the intent of the Board of Education to encourage teachers to participate in the decision-making process regarding school affairs as widely as is consistent with effective results. The Board, through the administration, therefore, shall invite teacher consultation, either through general meetings or through appropriate committees, on all major matters affecting the educational program. The Board, however, is ultimately responsible for the development of all policies that govern the school system's operation.
  2. Teachers are directly responsible to their principals.
  3. Teachers are expected to perform such duties as are customarily performed by instructors and as the superintendent of schools and the principal shall direct. Teachers shall devote themselves faithfully and exclusively to the performance of such duties during school hours. They shall not employ their time outside of school hours in any manner which interferes with their efficiency or effectiveness in school.
  4. In all professional and personal relations, teachers shall be held to observance of a course of conduct consistent with the ethics of the teaching profession. The Board and the teachers have approved and adopted the National Education Association's Code of Ethics as the standard in all professional matters. Teachers shall be familiar with and obey this code.
  5. Teachers shall follow the course of study developed by the State Department of Education. They shall use the textbooks prescribed and adopted by the Scottsboro City Board of Education as their primary text. The enthusiastic teacher will, however, find other resources to supplement these. Supplemental material, whether printed, audiovisual, or technology based, shall be selected based on its direct relationship to the concept/topic being taught. Extreme care shall be given to the selection of such materials. The use of any commercial video is subject to principal approval prior to use in the classroom.
  6. Teachers shall familiarize themselves with the standards and objectives of all required standardized tests. The teacher shall incorporate these standards and objectives into their regular instruction.
  7. Teachers shall prepare daily lesson plans which identify learning objectives, methods of instruction and evaluation, a variety of techniques, and incorporation of all required standards and objectives.
  8. Teachers shall familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the Board, the superintendent, and the principal. Such rules must be observed and enforced.
  9. Teachers shall become familiar with the Teacher Appraisal System and shall provide all necessary materials required by the program.
  10. Teachers shall become familiar with the Testing Program and participate in test training as needed. All teachers shall read and sign a Test Security Form.
  11. During the normal school day when students are under the supervision and instruction of professional personnel, teachers shall be responsible for:
    • Educational advancement and growth in their classes.
    • Development of good character and desirable attitudes among students.
    • Proper protection and care of textbooks, equipment, supplies, and other school property.
    • Maintenance of good discipline and order in classes and elsewhere throughout the school building and grounds.
    • Protection of student health and safety.
  12. Teachers shall attend all meetings called by the superintendent or the principal unless otherwise excused. Teachers are also encouraged to join professional organizations and to participate in meetings. When in-service meetings are held on released time during the school day, it is the duty of each teacher to attend and participate in the activities of these meetings. Failure to do can result in loss of pay to the teacher on released time.
  13. Punctuality and regularity are expected of teachers in attending classes, meetings, conferences, and in keeping other school appointments.
  14. Teachers shall keep such records and make such reports as the State Department, the superintendent, and the principal may require.
  15. Except as may be expressly authorized by the superintendent, no teacher shall:
    • Permit any commercial or political advertising to be announced, distributed, or otherwise promoted in or through the schools.
    • Furnish the names or addresses of teachers, pupils, or parents for other than school purposes and in accordance with state and federal laws.
  1. Teachers are obligated to report for duty each day when school is in session unless prevented by personal illness or by permission of the principal and/or superintendent.
  2. Teachers have a professional obligation to work with parents in interpreting student progress and in interpreting the school program. The effectiveness of the school if indicated by the nature of these conferences, which can be the strongest force at work in building public confidence and in promoting the teaching profession.
  3. Teachers are obligated to accept responsibility of assignments made by the principal which may include such things as hall duty, lunchroom duty, etc. Teachers whose classes are dismissed before the close of the regular day shall accept duties assigned by their respective principals. These duties and responsibilities shall be distributed fairly among the teachers, giving consideration to other school and professional responsibilities a teacher might have.
  4. Teachers are responsible for taking advantage of professional services available to them through supervisors, special teachers, curriculum consultants, and administrative offices.
  5. Teachers are obligated to be aware of the total school program and to perform those acts that make it effective.
  6. Teachers are obligated to contribute to curriculum development in the school by building effective programs of learning in their classrooms, and by cooperating in the plans of their school for the improvement of the instructional program.
  7. Teachers must follow the Promotion/Retention Policy regarding student placement at all grade levels.
  8. Every teacher shall be thoroughly acquainted with the characteristics, abilities, and differences of the children at the age-level being taught. The teacher shall study each child to determine the needs of the students and shall seek to help each student achieve maximum potential.
  9. State law requires regular fire drills and weather drills. It is the responsibility of all teachers to instruct students in proper behavior and to see that these drills are carried out in an orderly and efficient manner.
  10. Teachers shall excuse students from class only for approved reasons as identified by law, school board policy, or principal permission.
  11. Teachers must carefully plan and supervise all school-sponsored trips within their jurisdiction. Only students whose parents have provided written consent are allowed to participate in school-sponsored trips.
  12. Teachers shall not allow students to leave the school campus during the school day without the consent of parents and the principal.
  13. Teachers are responsible for all money received from fundraisers, sales, fees, or any other funds that are due the school. Strict records and receipts shall be maintained and accurate accounting practices followed.
  14. The cafeteria is an important part of the school program. The cafeteria management is entitled to teacher cooperation and support.
  15. Teachers shall follow the mandates of the Student Health Service Policy.
  16. Teachers shall be held accountable for being acquainted with the laws of the State of Alabama related to students and requirements for instruction; school board policies; system guidelines; and, local school rules and regulations. Teachers shall be expected to observe all such laws, policies, guidelines, rules and regulations.
  17. General expectations of teachers are as follows:
    • All teachers are required to be competent in their areas of certification.
    • All teachers are required to be competent in written and oral communication.
    • All teachers are expected to screen materials when purchased and reject those which are not written in standard English using correct grammar.
    • All teachers will submit, upon request of the principals, materials that are to be given to students to ensure that proper grammatical standards are met.
    • Teachers needing assistance in the area of endorsement and/or in communication skills will be offered technical assistance by members of the superintendent's staff or the principal to remediate any weakness.

Board Approved: 3/14/2008

Created: 2024-09-12
Reference: 143938
Country: United States
State: Alabama
City: Scottsboro

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