Agriculture Administrative Services Coordinator

Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Employer: Ohio Department of Aging
Industry: Classified
Salary: Competitive
Job type: Full-Time

What You'll Do:

No ag background, no problem! You'll learn all about agriculture from our top-notch experts who dedicate their lives to a cleaner, safer, better Ohio.

This position is responsible for:
  • Acts as main front desk receptionist for Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) (e.g., answers telephone &/or voice mail; takes messages, refers calls; greets, directs &/or registers customers)
  • Greets & an n o u n c e s campus visi t o r s
  • Operates personal computer (PC) & related software to enter, update, correct, delete or send data, retrieve/look-up data to verify/give out information
  • Provides basic routine information to internal & external customers in response to inquiries & requests received in writing &/or by telephone, e-mail, in-person &/or other means of communication
  • Acts as back-up t o A u c t io n e e r p r o g r a m (e.g., adminis t e r s auctioneer t e sti n g )
  • Op e n s, s tamps & re vie w s mail & f o r w a r ds to app r op r iate sta f f
  • U t i l iz e s photocopier to re pr o d uce d o c u m e nts & utilizes fax machine to t ra n s mit info r mation & documents
  • P r epa r es m a ili n gs (e.g . , p r o d u c es labels, stuffs e n vel o pes, a s s e mbl e s mate r ials & documents)
  • Pe r f o r ms sec r eta r ial tasks for Enforcement Division: u t ili z e s pe r son a l computer & applicable s o ft w ar e ( e .g., Wo rd ) to p r e p a r e co n f i d ential & routine c o r r espo n d e n c e & in dependently compo s es l e t t e r s & memos
  • E s t a b l i sh e s & maint a ins con f iden t ial files (e.g., secu r ity c lea ra n c e fo r ms )
  • Ans w er s t e le p h one c a lls & re fe r s to app r o p r ia t e pa r ties for re sponse
  • Maintains re co r d s & ensu r es accu r a c y of con t en t & maintains f iling s y s tem
  • Ass e mbles division m o nthly reports & disseminates to vari o u s recipients (e.g., i n t e r - a g e n c y & f e d e ral government pe r s o n n e l); t y pes onto vari o u s for m s (e.g., s u bpoenas, embargoes, cr iminal reco rd s checks, & sea rc h w a rr a nts )
  • P r i n ts histo r y s c r eens & ma k e s d e te r m inations, ente r s in f o rmation into database f o r trac k ing p u r p oses
  • Runs queri e s t h ro u g h s t a t e & o t h e r soft w are pr o g rams (e.g., Acce s s , E xcel)
  • Manages divisi o n b u s in e s s func t i o n s (e.g., pu r c h a s e s office supplie s , pr o c es s e s a c cou n t s pa y able & t r a v e l exp e n s e v o uchers) maintains pu r c h a s e ca rd , p r epa r es & maintains q u a r t e r ly billings re lated to O h io Ve t e r ina r y Medical Licen s i n g Bo a rd [ O VMLB] ( investi g at e d b y E n f o r c e m e n t )
  • Pr o v id e s non-routine admi n is t r a t ive s u p port (e.g., independently f o rmul a t es d e ci s ions &/or jud g m e nts involving n o n - leg a l in t e r p r e t a ti o n of policies & pr o ce d u r es a s t h ey wo uld apply to a given si t u a t ion to resolve problems, pre p are c o r r espondence &/ o r r e por t s o r t o car r y o u t other a s s i g n m e nts )
  • M aintains tracking of Voyager fuel cards (e.g., monthly fuel dispensing, expense reports, orders new &/or replacement cards) for division
  • Coo r dinates se r vi c e & e m e r g e n c y c a lls w ith fi re /life safety & s u p p ression s y ste m
  • Co m m u n ica t e s w ith l o cal fire depar t m e n t( s ), mo n i t o r i n g s tation, & securi t y s y s tem for security r e l a t e d e v e n t s
This position shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the OCSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement. ODA bargaining unit members have selection rights before non-bargaining unit members. All other applications will only be considered if an internal bargaining unit applicant is not selected for this position.

We Support Diversity and Inclusion:

ODA values its internal diversity and pledges to cultivate an inclusive and engaging environment for all employees where differences are embraced and celebrated. The agency commits to building a workforce that champions the advancement of DEI principles and initiatives. The values on which these efforts are founded are: respect, empathy, transparency, equality, and equal access.

What's in it for you:

At the State of Ohio, we take care of the team that cares for Ohioans. We provide a variety of quality, competitive benefits to eligible full-time and part-time employees. For a list of all the State of Ohio Benefits, visit our Total Rewards website ! Our benefits package includes:

Medical Coverage
  • Quality, affordable, and competitive medical benefits are offered through the Ohio Med PPO plan.
Dental, Vision and Basic Life Insurance
  • Dental, vision and basic life insurance premiums are free after one year of continuous service.
Time Away from Work and Work/Life Balance
  • Paid time off, including vacation, personal, and sick leave
  • 11 paid holidays per year
  • Childbirth/Adoption leave
Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
  • OPERS is the retirement system for State of Ohio employees. The employee contributes 10% of his/her salary towards his/her retirement. The employer contributes an amount equal to 14% of the employee's salary. Visit the OPERS website for more information.
Deferred Compensation
  • The Ohio Deferred Compensation program is a 457(b) voluntary retirement savings plan. Visit the Ohio Deferred Compensation website for more information.
Maternity Benefits

• Expanded maternity health care benefits available to state employees enrolled in the Ohio Med PPO and Ohio Med NN (narrow network) medical plan options. Several prenatal, childbirth, and post-childbirth services are provided at no out-of-pocket cost to employees utilizing network providers.

• Examples of services now covered by network providers at 100% include:

o Prenatal care, including physician visits and examinations.

o Home health care services designated as maternity care (for expectant members on bed rest).

o Inpatient claims for all types of delivery.

o Inpatient NICU claims, from birth through discharge.

o Postpartum care, including office visits for follow-up, and procedures/treatments directly related to maternity.

• Medications prescribed for both antepartum and postpartum conditions (e.g., morning sickness, postpartum depression). Medical services provided by non-network providers will be processed at the applicable coinsurance, deductible, and out-of-pocket limits.

• Prescription drugs that are directly related to maternity care are covered with no copay. The State of Ohio has collaborated with the prescription drug third-party administrator (OptumRx) to provide a list of covered medications that can be approved for zero copay via prior authorization from providers.

At the State of Ohio, we take care of the team that cares for Ohioans. We provide a variety of quality, competitive benefits to eligible full-time and part-time employees*. For a list of all the State of Ohio Benefits, visit our Total Rewards website ! Our benefits package includes:
  • Medical Coverage
  • Free Dental, Vision and Basic Life Insurance premiums after completion of eligibility period
  • Paid time off, including vacation, personal, sick leave and 11 paid holidays per year
  • Childbirth, Adoption, and Foster Care leave
  • Education and Development Opportunities (Employee Development Funds, Public Service Loan Forgiveness, and more)
  • Public Retirement Systems ( such as OPERS, STRS, SERS, and HPRS ) & Optional Deferred Compensation ( Ohio Deferred Compensation )
*Benefits eligibility is dependent on a number of factors. The Agency Contact listed above will be able to provide specific benefits information for this position.


18 months experience or 18 months training in secretarial/administrative professional field


Completion of associate core coursework in secretarial science or business office applications from accredited career school or community college.


6 months experience as Administrative Professional 1, 16871


Equivalent of Minimum Class Qualifications For Employment noted above

Created: 2024-08-22
Reference: 240008JU
Country: United States
State: Ohio
City: Reynoldsburg

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